Parents Involvement
Developing meaningful relationships with families
The Quality and Assessment Committee (QAC)
“Children learn in the context of their families and families are the primary influence on children’s learning and development” (Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, pg10 – VEYLDF from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development).
Therefore as a result, we formed the Quality and Assessment Committee (QAC). The QAC is a parent advisory group that collaborates with management and educator’s on multiple facets of the services operations, philosophy, policies and procedures and our Quality Improvement Plan (QIP). Feel free to chat to the Centre Director about how to get involved with the QAC.
Our ‘Home Visits’ Program
Our unique ‘Home Visits program’ is Community Children’s way of building stronger relationships and ensuring effective communication between the home and the centre.
Home visits are a unique feature of Community Children kindergarten and child care programs.Home visits are when your child’s early childhood educator or kindergarten teacher comes to see you and your child in your home at a convenient, pre-arranged time.